With Just 30 Mins
Ace Your Growth Goals

For Founders & CXOs

FounderScrum Hero Image


Some Growth Goals
To Done Projects

Founder Effectiveness

This is a very high impact goal. When you improve your effectiveness, immediately you find more time and energy needed to focus on growth aspects.

Business Development

Another high impact goal. Sometimes the focus is on building more and selling takes a back seat. When sales need to improve having concrete plan helps in balancing the two

Marketing Initiatives

Marketing needs planning and activities need to be prioritised so that inhouse / vendors can market effectively.

New Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships are a source of additional revenue. Spending time on this reaps recurring benefits.


Hiring is really hard and when founders are not involved, it results in bad and delayed hiring. Scheduling and streamlining hiring related activities have never gone waste

Streamlining Process

Process need to change as the team grows. This helps both the team and founder to deliver high quality output consistently. Spending time on the process gives more time and peace for founders


What Do You Get

Things you do not have to worry about


Don't Worry About Process, Tools & Systems


Maintaining Plans & Schedule, Not Your Problem

Best Practices

We can safely kick that Fickle Motivation

No disruption

Your Current Work Stays Intact, Yay


You Decide The Schedule

Two to Tango

No Longer A Lonely Journey, We Will Kick-ass Together


Why Awesome Goals Overwhelm Entrepreneurs?...

Strong Wish But No Enthu

Founders know the importance of doing it but why the apprehension and constant procrastination


There is always one fire fighting task


For every creative task there are 100 management tasks

Fickle Motivation

Motivation is limited, C'mon

Current Work

Don't want current work to be impacted

What If

What if the effort goes waste?

Lonely Journey

I am doing it alone here, hello.


What Usually Happens?...

You Have Awesome Ideas & Goals

Awesome ideas that would make a tremendous impact

Keep Thinking About It

You keep ideating it and have a picture in mind

Occupied With Existing Work

But existing work keeps you fully busy

Goals Remain In Wish List

There is absolutely no change

Regret not doing

Then the regret of not working on it kicks in

Repeat the cycle

The cycle keeps repeating again, again and again...

What If You Have A Scrum Master?

Step 1: You Share

Share your goals and tentative schedule. We break it into monthly targets.

Step 2: We Both Schedule

Based on your current work, we break the schedule into weekly chuncks. Each day has specific tasks.

Step 3: We Sync up

You get task for each day to focus on. We sync up daily on progress and next day's task

Step 4: Progress

The daily tasks takes care of progress. Any challenges we course correct accordingly. We never Stop.

Step 5: Review

Monthly Detailed Discussion to review progress and for setting next month's target


We keep achieving goals and move forward.

Steps image


Revolves Around You.The entire process revolves around your current schedule and plan.

  • 1


    We discuss in detail the current Context, goals you have. With a high level schedule, we start with a plan. Preferences in terms of time commitment for the goals are discussed

  • 2

    Scrum Plan

    The daily scrum call timings, weekly calls for scheduling are discussed and finalized.

  • 3


    With this clarity, any clarifications needed are addressed and we kickoff with the first week's activities


Trust Before Everything Else

Trust takes time, the process ensures you get enough time to take right decision. Additional calls and meetings are always welcome.


The entire process revolves around making it easy for you. That said, there will be complete transparency in the engagement. No fine print.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

The initial steps involves discussions getting to know you and the way you work. This makes sure the entire process is structured around your most productive time and way of working.

Only One Task

After kickoff, you would only focus on one immediate task. Everything else needed would be taken care of. You would always be on top of things yet have only one thing to do at any point.

Make Work Joyful

Working on long term goals might be less fun as the reward comes later. But if the focus is on the task, the completion of task itself becomes a reward and the activity joyful.

Embrace setbacks

Sometimes things take time or we get unexpected setbacks. Dwelling on that never helps. Setbacks are expected and the barriers would be broken.

Scrum Options

Choose based on what you need

Planning & Tracking Need

  • Multiple Goals
  • Goal Planning and Scheduling
  • Monthly Milestones
  • Weekly Meeting
  • Daily Scrum Calls
  • Goal Tracking

Planning and Strategy Need

  • All Scrum Tasks +
  • Daily Assistance in Specific Tasks
  • Brainstorming Sessions
  • Strategic Guidance

Planning, Strategy & Execution Need

  • All Wingman tasks +
  • Delivery of Specific Tasks
  • Backend Support



My Ikigai is to listen and help get things done.
FounderScrum was stared to leverage my Ikigai with a common problem.

I get things done with people, process and technology.
Great, but only when I work for someone else.

When it comes to my own work, I get stuck easily and
get bogged down by setbacks, urgent and day to day work.

I realized this is quite a common issue for entrepreneurs.

About me - Srinath Badrinath

Welcome Friend. Good to see you here.

Success matters at individual level, at project level and at organisation level. As much as I like applying software design patterns and best practices for building quality software products, I like looking for and applying the design patterns that improve organisation’s growth and efficiency.

Have 21+ years of experience in software development, working with teams and founders.

  • Worked for one of the Largest Technology Company and a Small Disruptive Startup
  • Implemented Various Tech stacks and Development Methodologies
  • Delivered Projects for offshore and onsite customers
  • Launched Quality Products and In House Applications
  • Looked at growth from Employee and Organisation perspective
  • Looked at problems with technology lens and business lens

  • Apart from standards and metrics, I look for the subtle but less noticeable things that make a bigger impact over a period of time.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    What do I need to start?

    You do not need anything. You do not even have to monitor anything. Once we have clarity on goals and start, everything is taken care of by me.

    How long is the program?

    It is an ongoing monthly engagement and depends on the goals we have set. Typically 4 months is a good period to achieve significant progress.

    How is the Engagement Structured?

    There are specific touch points for the program on monthly, weekly & daily basis. Once we discuss the goals, your working style the structure is tuned accordingly

    How much time should I commit to and is there flexibility?

    30 - 60 mins everyday is needed. The schedule is flexible accordingly to your preferred time everyday, but the time commitment is necessary. No questions there.

    Is it fixed price?

    Yes, the scrum program is fixed price with fixed scope.

    What is the ROI for the Program?

    The value is the value of your goals, the goals set by Founders / CXOs are pretty high so it is high value for investment made.

    Today's Task

    Only One

    Everything else is taken care of

    Today's Task

    Scrum program

    No obligation, Let's see if this program suits your need.